A bit of history. On May 20, 1875 a bunch of countries got together to create the International Bureau of Weight and Measures which established uniform standards of mass and length. Later on, the Bureau established rules for dates as well. The dates standard used a starting date of May 20 1875 to honor the creation of the Bureau.
Old versions of COBOL use that date as a baseline. Social Security’s computers use that old version. Dates are stored as the number of days AFTER May 20 1875.
So what happens if Social Security doesn’t know a birthdate? That field is empty in its records. Thus that person appears to have a birthday of May 20 1875—about 150 years ago.
That’s why the crack team of youngsters Musk uses found 150-year-old people in Social Security getting benefits. It’s all really as simple—and as stupid—as that.
You’d think that those bright MAGAheads would notice that ALL those 150 year olds have THE SAME BIRTHDAY: May 20, 1875.
— Read on www.dailykos.com/stories/2025/2/14/2303889/-Nope-There-are-no-150-year-olds-on-Social-Security-It-s-COBOL
A quote that almost reads like it comes from 5 years in the future…
“It will always remain one of democracy’s best jokes that it itself provided its sworn enemies with the means by which it was destroyed. The persecuted leaders of the NSDAP enjoyed immunity, allowances and a free pass as members of parliament. This protected them from police intervention, allowed them to say more than ordinary citizens and also allowed the enemy to pay for their activities. Democratic stupidity was an excellent way to capitalize on.”
— 1935, Josef Goebbels (Hitlers Minister of Propaganda)
Who’s Making News?
Tracking News Reporting of Sex Crimes Against Minors
— Read on www.whoismakingnews.com/
Evangelical education nearly ruined me. Now the Christian right is coming for public schools | US news | The Guardian
From Bible stories to the Ten Commandments, public schools are starting to look a lot like the fundamentalist system I escaped
— Read on www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/feb/12/christianity-schools-republicans
Quote post! Here is hoping…
To Ryan Walters. A bit of thoughtful inspiration for your day.
“The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being of the universe, as his father in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter.”
Thomas Jefferson – Letter to John Adams, 1813

New project & a great 40th bday present from my beautiful wife!

Here is a fun link.

Ladies and gents..
I give you Mr. California, RC, stormy weather, and black biscuits. a little Saturday CB band listening.